Responsible Dentistry- Philosophical Dialogues On Quality!
Responsible Dentistry- A new terminology as well as a broader concept of Quality Dental Practice -designed primarily to enhance the well being of dental patients along with maximizing dentist’s Personal and Professional satisfaction by minimizing the negative Personal, Professional, Clinical, Economic, Environmental, Legal, and Ethical Impacts. Who Is A Quality Dentist? Responsible Human being-with different roles in his/her personal settings or Family life. Responsible Citizen-Duties towards the Country/Public/Nature Responsible Dentist- duties towards his/her Patients Responsible Professional- Professionalism towards his colleagues. Define -being Responsible! Being Responsible!! Is It The Willingness To Act Responsibly? Being Responsible for self-errors. (Principal of Human factors) Being Responsible towards Society & Public Being Responsible towards Profession Being Responsible towards Nature Personally Responsible Dentist Protect own Pat...