Don't Ignore bleeding gums !! How to stop Bleeding gums | bleeding gums treatment in Kochi

Don't Ignore Bleeding gums !! How to stop them from Bleeding?

Bleeding gums are the most common symptom of gum disease. But it can also point to other health problems.

Occasional bleeding of the gums can be caused by brushing your teeth too vigorously or wearing dentures that don’t fit correctly.

Frequent gum bleeding can also indicate more serious conditions, including:

  • periodontitis (an advanced form of gum disease)
  • leukaemia (cancer of the blood)
  • vitamin deficiency
  • lack of clotting cells (platelets)

Dental conditions that can cause bleeding gums:

Dental care issues are the primary cause of bleeding gums. Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and periodontitis make your gums sensitive and prone to bleeding.
Most people develop gingivitis when plaque stays on gum lines too long.


Plaque refers to the debris and bacteria that stick to your teeth. Brushing your teeth removes plaque and can prevent you from developing cavities (dental caries). But plaque may stay on your gum line, if you don’t brush and floss properly.

If plaque isn’t removed it can harden into tartar (calculus), which will increase bleeding. The accumulation of plaque near your gums can also cause gingivitis.

Symptoms of gingivitis include:

  • Puffy gums
  • Soreness in the mouth and around the gums
  • Bleeding gums


Periodontal disease (periodontitis) can occur when gingivitis becomes advanced.

Periodontal disease is an infection of the gums, jawbone, and supportive tissues that connect your teeth and gums.

Periodontitis can cause your teeth to loosen or fall out.


Vitamin C and vitamin K deficiencies can also cause gums to bleed easily.

Ask your doctor to check your levels of vitamins C and K if you have bleeding gums that aren’t caused by improper dental care. Also, follow a diet that contains both nutrients to ensure you’re getting the vitamins you need to stay healthy.


  • People who wear dentures also may sometimes experience bleeding gums. This is more likely when dentures fit too tightly. Talk to your dentist or orthodontist if dentures or other oral appliances are causing your gums to bleed. They may need to take new impressions to create a better fitting mouthpiece.
  • Pregnancy commonly causes gum bleeding. Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can cause the gums to be more sensitive.
  • Bleeding disorders like haemophilia and leukaemia can also increase your risk of bleeding gums. Your gums might bleed more often if you take blood-thinning medications. Drugs in this class include warfarin, aspirin, and heparin.


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