How to Use Dental ALIGNERS at Home | Dental Aligner USER INSTRUCTION

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Always remember to :

1. Strictly follow Dentists instructions.

2. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling your    Aligners.

3. Handle only ONE aligner at a time.

Aligner insertion:

  1.  Each New Tray may not fit in the front area due to the movement direction incorporated in the aligner.

  2. Use the upper for top teeth and the lower for your bottom teeth.

  3. You may insert either the upper or lower aligner first. When inserting each aligner, gently push the aligner over your front teeth. Then apply equal pressure, using your fingertips, to the tops of your left and right molars (Back teeth) until the aligner snaps into place

  4. DO NOT BITE your aligners into position. This may damage them. If you experience sharp pain or significant discomfort, please contact your treating dentist immediately. 

For Better treatment results:

  1. Prescribed wearing time is a minimum of 20 hours per day. But more hours may reduce your treatment duration. 

  2. Chewing exercise aids effective tooth movement, thus you should practise chewing lightly while using DA.

  3. 100% cooperation expected from the patient for the best results.

  4. If you have any discomfort, please feel free to contact the dentist

  5. Using your fingers, start on one side at the molars, and slowly work your way around to the other side.

  6. To prevent damage, avoid unnecessary removal.

  7. DO NOT use any sharp object to remove your aligners.

  8. Immediately rinse the aligner with water, shake off excess water and store your aligners in the protective case provided with your travel kit.

  9.   Do not use excessive force to bend or twist an aligner to get it off.

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